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Nobelpreisträger zur PCR und Virusdiagnostik

März 30, 2020 | Bill Gates & Pro­mis, Stim­men des Vol­kes, Virus — Exosomen

In vielen Interviews sagt Mullis “diplomatisch” dass die Wissenschaft “stinkt”

Source : Kary Mul­lis (bereits tot)

Auch zum AIDS Hoax fand er klare Worte

Source : Kary Mul­lis (bereits tot)

Fragwürdige PCR´s?

Source : Kary Mul­lis (bereits tot)

Sie sterben wie die Fliegen?

Source : Netzfund

PCR´s eig­nen sich nicht für die kli­ni­sche Virologie!

Die Wenigs­ten ver­ste­hen wie eine PCR funk­tio­niert. Man kann nur raus bekom­men, was man oben rein­gibt — eben wie bei einem Kopier­ge­rät. Es ist kein “Such­ge­rät”. Auch die meis­ten Ärz­te haben kei­nen Schim­mer wor­um es eigent­lich geht. In die­sem PDF fin­dest du noch mehr Infor­ma­tio­nen zum The­ma Pro­ble­me mit der PCR in der kli­ni­schen Viro­lo­gie. Man kann durch sol­che Labor­me­tho­den nicht bestim­men ob ein Mensch krank ist oder nicht. Wir haben ver­sucht in ver­schie­de­nen Vide­os die Pro­ble­me der PCR bei der Virus­dia­gnos­tik her­aus­zu­ar­bei­ten, soll­test du noch Fra­gen haben bit­te kon­tak­tie­re uns.

Wenn du bereits ver­stan­den hast, dass mit der Plan­de­mie etwas nicht stimmt, dann such ein­mal nach “mys­te­rious dead sci­en­tist” und du wirst stau­nen. Vor Coro­na star­ben 40 bekann­te Mikro­bio­lo­gen, teil­wei­se unter erstaun­li­chen Umstän­den — Zufall? Zufall, dass der sport­li­che Kary Mul­lis kurz vor Coro­na starb? Die­se Todes­fäl­le in der Wis­sen­schaft sind nix neues:

Awo­ken Rese­arch Group http://valis.cjb.cc/

In the 1980s over two dozen sci­ence gra­dua­tes and experts working for Mar­co­ni or Ples­sey Defence Sys­tems died in mys­te­rious cir­cum­s­tances, most appearing to be sui­ci­des. The MOD denied the­se sci­en­tists had been invol­ved in clas­si­fied Star Wars Pro­jects and that the deaths were in any way connected.

March 1982: Pro­fes­sor Keith Bow­den, 46, Exper­ti­se: Com­pu­ter pro­gramm­er and sci­en­tist at Essex Uni­ver­si­ty enga­ged in work for Mar­co­ni, who was hai­led as an expert on super com­pu­ters and com­pu­ter-con­trol­led air­craft. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Fatal car crash when his vehic­le went out of con­trol across a dual car­ri­a­ge­way and plun­ged onto a disu­s­ed rail­way line. Poli­ce main­tai­ned he had been drin­king but fami­ly and fri­ends all denied the alle­ga­ti­on. Coro­ners ver­dict: Accident.

April 1983: Lt-Colo­nel Antho­ny God­ley, 49, Exper­ti­se: Head of the Work Stu­dy Unit at the Roy­al Col­lege of Mili­ta­ry Sci­ence. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Dis­ap­peared mys­te­rious­ly in April 1983 wit­hout expl­ana­ti­on. Pre­su­med dead.

March 1985: Roger Hill, 49, Exper­ti­se: Radar desi­gner and draughts­man with Mar­co­ni. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died by a shot­gun blast at home. Coro­ners ver­dict: Suicide.

Novem­ber 19, 1985: Jona­than Wash, 29, Exper­ti­se: Digi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons expert who had work­ed atGEC and at Bri­tish Tele­coms secret rese­arch cent­re at Mart­le­sham Heath, Suf­folk. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died as a result of fal­ling from a hotel room in Abi­djan, West Afri­ca, while working for Bri­tish Tele­com. He had expres­sed fears that his life was in dan­ger. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

August 4, 1986: Vimal Dajib­hai, 24, Exper­ti­se: Com­pu­ter soft­ware engi­neer with Mar­co­ni, respon­si­ble for test­ing com­pu­ter con­trol sys­tems of Tiger­fi­sh and Stin­gray tor­pe­does at Mar­co­ni Under­wa­ter Sys­tems at Crox­ley Green, Hertford­shire. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Death by 74m (240ft.) fall from Clif­ton Sus­pen­si­on Bridge, Bris­tol. Poli­ce report on the body men­tio­ned a need­le-sized punc­tu­re wound on the left buttock, but this was later dis­missed as being a result of the fall. Dajib­hai had been loo­king for­ward to start­ing a new job in the City of Lon­don and fri­ends had con­firm­ed that the­re was no reason for him to com­mit sui­ci­de. At the time of his death he was in the last week of his work with Mar­co­ni. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

Octo­ber 1986: Arshad Sha­rif, 26, Exper­ti­se: Repor­ted to have been working on sys­tems for the detec­tion of sub­ma­ri­nes by satel­li­te. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died as a result of pla­cing a liga­tu­re around his neck, tying the other end to a tree and then dri­ving off in his car with the acce­le­ra­tor pedal jam­med down. His unu­su­al death was com­pli­ca­ted by seve­ral issues: Sha­rif lived near Vimal Dajib­hai in Stan­mo­re, Midd­le­sex, he com­mit­ted sui­ci­de in Bris­tol and, inex­pli­ca­bly, had spent the last night of his life in a roo­ming house. He had paid for his accom­mo­da­ti­on in cash and was seen to have a bund­le of high-deno­mi­na­ti­on bank­no­tes in his pos­ses­si­on. While the poli­ce were told of the bank­no­tes, no men­ti­on was made of them at the inquest and they were never found. In addi­ti­on, most of the other guests at the roo­ming house work­ed at Bri­tish Aero­space pri­or to working for Mar­co­ni, Sha­rif had also work­ed at Bri­tish Aero­space on gui­ded wea­pons tech­no­lo­gy. Coro­ners ver­dict: Suicide.

Janu­ary 1987: Richard Pugh, 37 Exper­ti­se: MOD com­pu­ter con­sul­tant and digi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons expert. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead in his flat in with his feet bound and a pla­s­tic bag over his head. Rope was tied around his body, coiling four times around his neck. Coro­ners ver­dict: Accident.

Janu­ary 12, 1987: Dr. John Britt­an, 52, Exper­ti­se: Sci­en­tist form­er­ly enga­ged in top secret work at the Roy­al Col­lege of Mili­ta­ry Sci­ence at Shri­ven­ham, Oxford­shire, and later deploy­ed in a rese­arch depart­ment at the MOD. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Death by car­bon mon­oxi­de poi­so­ning in his own gara­ge, short­ly after retur­ning from a trip to the US in con­nec­tion with his work. Coro­ners ver­dict: Accident.

Febru­ary 1987: David Skeels, 43, Exper­ti­se: Engi­neer with Mar­co­ni. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead in his car with a hosepi­pe con­nec­ted to the exhaust. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

Febru­ary 1987: Vic­tor Moo­re, 46, Exper­ti­se: Design Engi­neer with Mar­co­ni Space and Defence Sys­tems. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died from an over­do­se. Coro­ners ver­dict: Suicide.

Febru­ary 22, 1987: Peter Pea­pell, 46 Exper­ti­se: Sci­en­tist at the Roy­al Col­lege of Mili­ta­ry Sci­ence. He had been working on test­ing tita­ni­um for its resis­tance to explo­si­ves and the use of com­pu­ter ana­ly­sis of signals from metals. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead alle­gedly from car­bon mon­oxi­de poi­so­ning, in his Oxford­shire gara­ge. The cir­cum­s­tances of his death rai­sed some ele­ments of doubt. His wife had found him on his back with his head par­al­lel to the rear car bum­per and his mouth in line with the exhaust pipe, with the car engi­ne run­ning. Poli­ce were appar­ent­ly baf­f­led as to how he could have mano­eu­vred into the posi­ti­on in which he was found. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

March 30, 1987: David Sands, 37, Exper­ti­se: Seni­or sci­en­tist working for Easams of Cam­ber­ley, Surrey, a sis­ter com­pa­ny to Mar­co­ni. Dr. John Britt­an had also work­ed at Cam­ber­ley. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Fatal car crash when he alle­gedly made a sud­den U‑turn on a dual car­ri­a­ge­way while on his way to work, cras­hing at high speed into a disu­s­ed cafe­te­ria. He was found still wea­ring his seat belt and it was dis­co­ver­ed that the car had been car­ry­ing addi­tio­nal petrol cans. None of the nor­mal reasons for a pos­si­ble sui­ci­de could be found. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

April 1987: Geor­ge Koun­tis (age unknown), Exper­ti­se: Sys­tems Ana­lyst at Bris­tol Poly­tech­nic. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Drow­ned the same day as Shani War­ren (see below) as the result of a car acci­dent, his uptur­ned car being found in the River Mer­sey, Liver­pool. Coro­ners ver­dict: Mis­ad­ven­ture. (Koun­tis sis­ter cal­led for a fresh inquest as she thought things didnt add up.)

April 10, 1987: Shani War­ren, 26, Exper­ti­se: Per­so­nal assistant in a com­pa­ny cal­led Micro Scope, which was taken over by GEC Mar­co­ni less than four weeks after her death. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found drow­ned in 45cm. (18in) of water, not far from the site of David Green­halghs death fall. NOTE: My records show Green­halgh also died on April 10, 1987 when he fell off of a bridge. War­ren died exact­ly one week after the death of Stuart Goo­ding and serious inju­ry to Green­halgh. She was found gag­ged with a noo­se around her neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands tied behind
her back. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

April 10, 1987: Stuart Goo­ding, 23, Exper­ti­se: Post­gra­dua­te rese­arch stu­dent at the Roy­al Col­lege of Mili­ta­ry Sci­ence. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Fatal car crash while on holi­day in Cyprus. The death occur­red at the same time as col­lege per­son­nel were car­ry­ing out exer­ci­s­es on Cyprus. Coro­ners ver­dict: Accident.

April 24, 1987: Mark Wis­ner, 24, Exper­ti­se: Soft­ware engi­neer at the MOD. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead on in a house shared with two col­le­agues. He was found with a pla­s­tic sack around his head and seve­ral feet of cling film around his face. The method of death was almost iden­ti­cal to that of Richard Pugh some three months ear­lier. Coro­ners ver­dict: Accident.

May 3, 1987: Micha­el Bak­er, 22, Exper­ti­se: Digi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons expert working on a defence pro­ject at Ples­sey; part-time mem­ber of Signals Corps SAS. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Fatal acci­dent when his car cra­s­hed through a bar­ri­er near Poo­le in Dor­set. Coro­ners ver­dict: Misadventure.

June 1987: Jen­nings, Frank, 60, Exper­ti­se: Elec­tro­nic Wea­pons Engi­neer with Ples­sey. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead from a heart attack. No inquest.

Janu­ary 1988: Rus­sell Smith, 23, Exper­ti­se: Labo­ra­to­ry tech­ni­ci­an with the Ato­mic Ener­gy Rese­arch Estab­lish­ment at Har­well, Oxford­shire. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died as a result of a cliff fall at Bos­cast­le in Corn­wall. Coro­ners ver­dict: Suicide.

March 25, 1988: Tre­vor Knight, 52, Exper­ti­se: Com­pu­ter engi­neer with Mar­co­ni Space and Defence Sys­tems in Stan­mo­re, Midd­le­sex. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead at his home in Har­pen­den, Hertford­shire at the wheel of his car with a hosepi­pe con­nec­ted to the exhaust. A St.Albans coro­ner said that Knights woman fri­end, Miss Nar­ma­da Than­ki (who also work­ed with him at Mar­co­ni) had found three sui­ci­de notes left by him which made clear his inten­ti­ons. Miss Than­ki had men­tio­ned that Knight dis­lik­ed his work but she did not detect any depres­si­on that would have dri­ven him to sui­ci­de. Coro­ners ver­dict: Suicide.

August 1988: Ali­s­ta­ir Beck­ham, 50, Exper­ti­se: Soft­ware engi­neer with Ples­sey Defence Sys­tems. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found dead after being elec­tro­cu­ted in his gar­den shed with wires con­nec­ted to his body. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open.

August 22, 1988: Peter Fer­ry, 60, Exper­ti­se: Reti­red Army Bri­ga­dier and an Assistant Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor with Mar­co­ni. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Found on 22nd or 23rd August 1988 elec­tro­cu­ted in his com­pa­ny flat with elec­tri­cal leads in his mouth. Coro­ners ver­dict: Open

Sep­tem­ber 1988: Andrew Hall, 33, Exper­ti­se: Engi­nee­ring Mana­ger with Bri­tish Aero­space. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Car­bon mon­oxi­de poi­so­ning in a car with a hosepi­pe con­nec­ted to the exhaust. Coro­ners ver­dict: Sui­ci­de. End of Mar­co­ni File

1988: Stan­ley Irving Sig­al, 35 Exper­ti­se: Top AIDS rese­ar­cher at Mercks. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: In seat num­ber 13B on Pan Ame­ri­can Flight that was shot down over Locker­bee Scotland.

1994/95?: Dr. Jawad Al Aubai­di Exper­ti­se: Vete­ri­na­ry myco­plas­ma and had work­ed with various myco­plas­mas in the 1980s at Plum Island. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was kil­led in his nati­ve Iraq while he was chan­ging a flat tire and hit by a truck. Source: Patri­cia A. Doyle, PhD

April 1996: Dr. Cli­ve Brut­on Exper­ti­se: He had just pro­du­ced a paper on a new strain of CJD. He was a CJD spe­cia­list who was kil­led befo­re his work was announ­ced to the public. He had been publicly arguing that deaths from CJD were going unre­co­g­nis­ed becau­se it was assu­med that Alz­hei­mer dise­a­se which has indis­tin­gu­is­ha­ble sym­ptoms was the cau­se. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He died in a car crash after an appa­rent heart attack.

May 7, 1996: Tsu­nao Sai­toh PhD, 46 Exper­ti­se: He was pro­fes­sor of neu­ro­sci­en­ces at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cali­for­nia, San Die­go. was an inter­na­tio­nal­ly respec­ted rese­ar­cher into the reasons for dise­a­ses such as Alz­hei­mers and had been doing ground-brea­king rese­arch on the defor­ma­ti­on of the amy­lo­id brain pro­te­in (found in CJD and Alz­hei­mers). Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He and his 13 year-old daugh­ter were kil­led in La Jol­la, Cali­for­nia, in what a Reu­ters report descri­bed as a very pro­fes­sio­nal­ly done shoo­ting. He was dead behind the wheel of the car, the side win­dow had been shot out, and the door was open. His daugh­ter appeared to have tried to run away and she was shot dead, also.

Dec 25, 1997: Sid­ney Harsh­man, 67 Exper­ti­se: Pro­fes­sor of micro­bio­lo­gy and immu­no­lo­gy. He was the worlds lea­ding expert on sta­phy­lo­coc­cal alpha toxins, accor­ding to Con­rad Wag­ner, pro­fes­sor of bio­che­mis­try at Van­der­bilt and a clo­se fri­end of Pro­fes­sor Harsh­man. He also deep­ly cared for other peo­p­le and was always eager to help his stu­dents and col­le­agues. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Com­pli­ca­ti­ons of diabetes

July 10, 1998: Eliza­beth A. Rich, M.D., 46 Exper­ti­se: An asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor with ten­ure in the pul­mo­na­ry divi­si­on of the Depart­ment of Medi­ci­ne at CWRU and Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tals of Cleve­land. She was also a mem­ber of the exe­cu­ti­ve com­mit­tee for the Cen­ter for AIDS Rese­arch and direc­ted the bio­sa­fe­ty level 3 faci­li­ty, a spe­cia­li­zed labo­ra­to­ry for the hand­ling of HIV, viru­lent TB bac­te­ria, and other infec­tious agents. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Kil­led in a traf­fic acci­dent while visi­ting fami­ly in Tennessee

Sep­tem­ber 1998: Jona­than Mann, 51 Exper­ti­se: Foun­ding direc­tor of the World Health Orga­ni­sa­ti­ons glo­bal Aids pro­gram­me and foun­ded Pro­ject SIDA in Zai­re, the most com­pre­hen­si­ve Aids rese­arch effort in Afri­ca at the time, and in 1986 he joi­n­ed the WHO to lead the glo­bal respon­se against Aids. He beca­me direc­tor of WHOs glo­bal pro­gram­me on Aids which later beca­me the UNA­ids pro­gram­me. He then beca­me direc­tor of the Fran­cois-Xavier Bagnoud Cen­ter for Health and Human Rights, which was set up at Har­vard School of Public Health in 1993. He cau­sed con­tro­ver­sy ear­lier this year in the post when he accu­sed the US Natio­nal Insti­tu­tes of Health of vio­la­ting human rights by fai­ling to act quick­ly on deve­lo­ping Aids vac­ci­nes. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died in the Swis­sair Flight 111 crash in Canada.

March 2000: Lar­ry C. Ford Exper­ti­se: Ser­ved as a con­sul­tant to both the CIA and the che­mi­cal and bio­lo­gi­cal-wea­pons pro­gram of the South Afri­can Defen­se Forces, hea­ded by Wou­ter Bas­son. His con­tri­bu­ti­ons to Bas­sons pro­gram included lec­tures on con­ver­ting ordi­na­ry items into lethal bio­lo­gi­cal wea­pons. He pro­vi­ded samples of viru­lent, desi­gner strains of cho­le­ra, anthrax, botu­lism, pla­gue, and mala­ria, as well as a bac­te­ria he clai­med had been muta­ted to be pig­ment spe­ci­fic for the white mino­ri­ty govern­ment of South Afri­ca. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of a shot­gun blast at his home in Irvi­ne, Oran­ge Coun­ty, Cali­for­nia. His death was later ruled a suicide.

April 15, 2000: Wal­ter W. Sher­ving­ton, M.D., 62 Exper­ti­se: An exten­si­ve writer/ lecturer/ rese­ar­cher about men­tal health and AIDS in the Afri­can Ame­ri­can com­mu­ni­ty. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of can­cer at Tula­ne Medi­cal Hospital.

July 16, 2000: Mike Tho­mas, 35 Exper­ti­se: A micro­bio­lo­gist at the Crest­wood Medi­cal Cen­ter in Hunt­sville. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died a few days after exami­ning a sam­ple taken from a 12-year-old girl who was dia­gno­sed with menin­gi­tis and survived.

Novem­ber 19, 2000: Dr. Fred Knau­ert, 57 Exper­ti­se: He was a civi­li­an sci­en­tist who ser­ved the U.S. Army Medi­cal Rese­arch Insti­tu­te of Infec­tious Dise­a­ses (USAMRIID) for 17 years. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died sud­den­ly at his home.

Decem­ber 25, 2000: Lin­da Ree­se, 52 Exper­ti­se: Micro­bio­lo­gist working with vic­tims of menin­gi­tis. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died three days after she stu­di­ed a sam­ple from Tri­cia Zai­lo, 19, a Fair­field, N.J., resi­dent who was a sopho­mo­re at Michi­gan Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty. Tri­cia Zai­lo died Dec. 18, a few days after she retur­ned home for the holidays.

Febru­ary 1, 2001: Dr. Shmu­el Gil­lis, 42 Exper­ti­se: A seni­or hemo­to­lo­gist at Hadas­sah Hos­pi­tal Ein Kerem in Jeru­sa­lem who trea­ted pati­ents suf­fe­ring from leuk­emia and lym­pho­ma regard­less of eth­nic or reli­gious orgin. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Kil­led by 11 gunshots fired from a pas­sing car on a sec­tion of the Jeru­sa­lem-Hebron Highway.

Febru­ary 16th, 2001: Dr Joe Gibbs, 76 Exper­ti­se: An expert on neu­ro­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses who hel­ped show that mala­dies like mad cow dise­a­se and scra­pie are infec­tious rather than gene­tic. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of a heart attack while in a hos­pi­tal in Washington

March 2001: Dr. Tru­dy L. Bush, 52 Exper­ti­se: Pro­fes­sor of epi­de­mio­lo­gy and pre­ven­ti­ve medi­ci­ne at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land School of Medi­ci­ne who­se work in the field of womens health brought her inter­na­tio­nal accla­im. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of unde­ter­mi­ned cau­ses at her home.

May 7, 2001: Pro­fes­sor Janusz Jel­ja­sze­wicz Exper­ti­se: Expert in Sta­phy­lo­coc­ci and Sta­phy­lo­coc­cal Infec­tions. His main sci­en­ti­fic inte­rests and achie­ve­ments were in the mecha­nism of action and bio­lo­gi­cal pro­per­ties of sta­phy­lo­coc­cal toxins, and included the immu­no­mo­du­la­to­ry pro­per­ties and expe­ri­men­tal tre­at­ment of tumours by Propionibacterium.

Novem­ber 2001: Yaa­cov Matz­ner, 54 Exper­ti­se: Dean of the Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty-Hadas­sah Medi­cal School in Jeru­sa­lem and chair­man of the Isra­el Socie­ty of Hema­to­lo­gy and Blood Trans­fu­si­ons, was the son of Holo­caust sur­vi­vors. One of the worlds experts on blood dise­a­ses inclu­ding fami­li­ar Medi­ter­ra­ne­an fever (FMF), Matz­ner con­duc­ted rese­arch that led to a gene­tic test for FMF. He was working on clo­ning the gene con­nec­ted to FMF and inves­ti­ga­ting the nor­mal phy­sio­lo­gi­cal func­tion of amy­lo­id A, a pro­te­in often found in high levels in peo­p­le with blood can­cer. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Pro­fes­sors Yaa­cov Matz­ner and Ami­ram Eldor were on their way back to Isra­el via Switz­er­land when their pla­ne came down in den­se forest three kilo­me­t­res short of the landing field.

Novem­ber 2001: Pro­fes­sor Ami­ram Eldor, 59 Exper­ti­se: Head of the hae­ma­to­lo­gy insti­tu­te, Tel Avivs Ichi­l­ov Hos­pi­tal and work­ed for years at Hadas­sah-Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tals hae­ma­to­lo­gy depart­ment but left for his nati­ve Tel Aviv in 1993 to head the hae­ma­to­lo­gy insti­tu­te at Ichi­l­ov Hos­pi­tal. He was an inter­na­tio­nal­ly known expert on blood clot­ting espe­ci­al­ly in women who had repea­ted mis­car­ri­a­ges and was a mem­ber of a team that iden­ti­fied eight new anti-clot­ting agents in the sali­va of lee­ches. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Pro­fes­sors Yaa­cov Matz­ner and Ami­ram Eldor were on their way back to Isra­el via Switz­er­land when their pla­ne came down in den­se forest three kilo­me­t­res short of the landing field.

Novem­ber 6, 2001: Jef­frey Paris Wall, 41 Exper­ti­se: He was a bio­me­di­cal expert who held a medi­cal degree, and he also spe­cia­li­zed in patent and intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Mr. Walls body was found spraw­led next to a three-sto­ry par­king struc­tu­re near his office. He had stu­di­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cali­for­nia, Los Angeles.

Nov. 16, 2001: Don C. Wiley, 57 Exper­ti­se: One of the fore­most micro­bio­lo­gists in the United Sta­tes. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hug­hes Medi­cal Insti­tu­te at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty, was an expert on how the immu­ne sys­tem responds to viral attacks such as the clas­sic doomsday pla­gues of HIV, ebo­la and influ­en­za. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Poli­ce found his ren­tal car on a bridge out­side Mem­phis, Tenn. His body was found Dec. 20 in the Mis­sis­sip­pi River.

Nov. 21, 2001: Vla­di­mir Pasech­nik, 64 Exper­ti­se: World-class micro­bio­lo­gist and high-pro­fi­le Rus­si­an defec­tor; defec­ted to the United King­dom in 1989, play­ed a huge role in Rus­si­an bio­war­fa­re and hel­ped to figu­re out how to modi­fy crui­se mis­siles to deli­ver the agents of mass bio­lo­gi­cal des­truc­tion. Back­ground: foun­ded Reg­ma Bio­tech­no­lo­gies com­pa­ny in Bri­tain, a labo­ra­to­ry at Por­ton Down, the country4s chem-bio war­fa­re defen­se estab­lish­ment. Reg­ma curr­ent­ly has a con­tract with the U.S. Navy for the dia­gno­stic and the­ra­peu­tic tre­at­ment of anthrax. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: The patho­lo­gist who did the auto­psy, and who also hap­pen­ed to be asso­cia­ted with Britain4s spy agen­cy, con­cluded he died of a stro­ke. Details of the post­mor­tem were not reve­a­led at an inquest, in which the press was given no pri­or noti­ce. Col­le­agues who had work­ed with Pasech­nik said he was in good health.

Dec. 10, 2001: Robert M. Schwartz, 57 Exper­ti­se: Expert in DNA sequen­cing and patho­ge­nic micro-orga­nisms, foun­ding mem­ber of the Vir­gi­nia Bio­tech­no­lo­gy Asso­cia­ti­on, and the Exe­cu­ti­ve Direc­tor of Rese­arch and Deve­lo­p­ment at Virginia4s Cen­ter for Inno­va­ti­ve Tech­no­lo­gy in Hern­don. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: stab­bed and slas­hed with what poli­ce belie­ve was a sword in his farm­house in Lees­berg, Va. His daugh­ter, who iden­ti­fies hers­elf as a pagan high priest­ess, and seve­ral of her fel­low pagans have been charged.

Dec. 14, 2001: Nguy­en Van Set, 44 Exper­ti­se: ani­mal dise­a­ses faci­li­ty of the Com­mon­wealth Sci­en­ti­fic and Indus­tri­al Rese­arch Orga­niza­ti­on had just come to fame for dis­co­ve­ring a viru­lent strain of mou­se­pox, which could be modi­fied to affect small­pox. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: died at work in Geelong, Aus­tra­lia, in a labo­ra­to­ry acci­dent. He ente­red an air­lo­cked sto­rage lab and died from expo­sure to nitrogen.

Janu­ary 2002: Ivan Gle­bov and Ale­xi Brush­lin­ski. Exper­ti­se: Two micro­bio­lo­gists. Both were well known around the world and mem­bers of the Rus­si­an Aca­de­my of Sci­ence. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Gle­bov died as the result of a ban­dit attack and Brush­lin­ski was kil­led in Moscow.

Janu­ary 5, 2002: Dr. Gra­ham Ryder, 52 Exper­ti­se: A Staff Sci­en­tist at USRAs Lunar and Pla­ne­ta­ry Insti­tu­te in Hous­ton who was a pre­mier lunar sci­en­tist that pio­nee­red many of our most important con­cepts about the Moon and its evo­lu­ti­on. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died sud­den­ly from cancer.

Janu­ary 28, 2002: David W. Bar­ry, 58 Exper­ti­se: Sci­en­tist who codis­co­ver­ed AZT, the anti­vi­ral drug that is con­side­red the first effec­ti­ve tre­at­ment for AIDS. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: unknown

Feb. 9, 2002: Vic­tor Kor­s­hu­n­ov, 56 Exper­ti­se: Expert in intesti­nal bac­te­ria of child­ren around the world Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: bas­hed over the head near his home in Moscow.

Feb. 14, 2002: Ian Lang­ford, 40 Exper­ti­se: expert in envi­ron­men­tal risks and dise­a­se. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: found dead in his home near Nor­wich, Eng­land, naked from the waist down and wed­ged under a chair.

Feb. 28, 2002: Tanya Holz­may­er, 46 Exper­ti­se: a Rus­si­an who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focu­sed on the part of the human mole­cu­lar struc­tu­re that could be affec­ted best by medi­ci­ne. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: kil­led by fel­low micro­bio­lo­gist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she ope­ned the door to a piz­za deli­very. Then he shot himself.

Feb. 28, 2002: Guyang Huang, 38 Exper­ti­se: Micro­bio­lo­gist Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Appar­ent­ly shot hims­elf after shoo­ting fel­low micro­bio­lo­gist, Tanya Holz­may­er, seven times.

March 24, 2002: David Wynn-Wil­liams, 55 Exper­ti­se: Respec­ted astro­bio­lo­gist with the Bri­tish Ant­ar­c­tic Sur­vey, who stu­di­ed the habits of micro­bes that might sur­vi­ve in outer space. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died in a freak road acci­dent near his home in Cam­bridge, Eng­land. He was hit by a car while he was jogging.

March 25, 2002: Ste­ven Mos­tow, 63 Exper­ti­se: Known as Dr. Flu for his exper­ti­se in trea­ting influ­en­za, and a noted expert in bio­ter­ro­rism of the Colo­ra­do Health Sci­en­ces Cent­re. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: died when the air­plane he was pilo­ting cra­s­hed near Denver.

August 05, 2002: David R. Knibbs, PhD., 49 Exper­ti­se: Direc­tor of Elec­tron Micro­sco­py at Hart­ford Hos­pi­tal and had a doc­to­ra­te in pat­ho­bio­lo­gy from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­nec­ti­cut. He also ser­ved as an adjunct facul­ty mem­ber at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hart­ford. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He col­lap­sed and died after an evening run (one of his joys in life).

Nov. 12, 2002: Beni­to Que, 52 Exper­ti­se: Expert in infec­tious dise­a­ses and cel­lu­lar bio­lo­gy at the Miami Medi­cal School Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Que left his labo­ra­to­ry after recei­ving a tele­pho­ne call. Short­ly after­ward he was found coma­to­se in the par­king lot of the Miami Medi­cal School. He died wit­hout regai­ning con­scious­ness. Poli­ce said he had suf­fe­r­ed a heart attack. His fami­ly insis­ted he had been in per­fect health and clai­med four men atta­cked him. But, later, oddly, the fami­ly inquest retur­ned a ver­dict of death by natu­ral causes.

April 2003: Car­lo Urba­ni, 46 Exper­ti­se: A dedi­ca­ted and inter­na­tio­nal­ly respec­ted Ita­li­an epi­de­mio­lo­gist, who did work of endu­ring value com­ba­ting infec­tious ill­ness around the world. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died in Bang­kok from SARS (seve­re acu­te respi­ra­to­ry syn­dro­me) the new dise­a­se that he had hel­ped to iden­ti­fy. Thanks to his prompt action, the epi­de­mic was con­tai­ned in Viet­nam. Howe­ver, becau­se of clo­se dai­ly cont­act with SARS pati­ents, he con­trac­ted the infec­tion. On March 11, he was admit­ted to a hos­pi­tal in Bang­kok and iso­la­ted. Less than three weeks later he died.

June 24, 2003: Dr. Leland Rick­man of UCSD, 47 Exper­ti­se: An expert in infec­tious dise­a­se who hel­ped the coun­ty prepa­re to fight bio­ter­ro­rism after Sept. 11. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was in the Afri­can nati­on of Leso­tho with Dr. Chris Mathews of UCSD, the direc­tor of the uni­ver­si­tys Owen Cli­nic for AIDS pati­ents. Dr. Rick­man had com­plai­ned of a hea­da­che and had gone to lie down. When he didnt appear for din­ner, Mathews che­cked on him and found him dead. A cau­se has not yet been determined.

July 18, 2003: Dr. David Kel­ly, 59 Exper­ti­se: Bio­lo­gi­cal war­fa­re wea­pons spe­cia­list, seni­or post at the Minis­try of Defen­se, an expert on DNA sequen­cing when he was head of micro­bio­lo­gy at Por­ton Down and work­ed with two Ame­ri­can sci­en­tists, Beni­to Que, 52, and Don Wiley, 57. Hel­ped Vla­di­mir Pasech­nik found Reg­ma Bio­tech­no­lo­gies, which has a con­tract with the U.S. Navy for the dia­gno­stic and the­ra­peu­tic tre­at­ment of anthrax Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was found dead after alle­gedly slas­hing his wrists and throat and then drag­ging hims­elf a half mile away in a woo­ded area near his home at South­moor, Oxford­shire while he was out for his regu­lar walk.

Oct 11, 2003: Micha­el Perich, 46 Exper­ti­se: LSU pro­fes­sor who hel­ped fight the spread of the West Nile virus. Perich work­ed with the East Baton Rouge Parish Mos­qui­to Con­trol and Rodent Aba­te­ment Dis­trict to deter­mi­ne whe­ther mos­qui­toes in the area car­ri­ed West Nile. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Wal­ker Poli­ce Chief Elton Burns said Sun­day that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge, cra­s­hed his Ford pick­up truck about 4:30 a.m. Satur­day, while hea­ding west on Inter­sta­te 12 in Living­ston Parish. Peri­chs truck veered right off the high­way about 3 miles east of Wal­ker, flip­ped and lan­ded in rain­wa­ter, Burns said. Perich, who was wea­ring his seat belt, drow­ned. The cau­se of the crash is under inves­ti­ga­ti­on, Burns said. Mike is one of the few ento­mo­lo­gists with the expe­ri­ence to go out and save lives today. ~ Robert A. Wirtz, chief of ento­mo­lo­gy at the fede­ral Cen­ters for Dise­a­se Con­trol and Prevention

Novem­ber 22, 2003: Robert Les­lie Burg­hoff, 45 Exper­ti­se: He was stu­dy­ing the virus that was pla­guing crui­se ships until he was kil­led by a mys­te­rious white van in Novem­ber of 2003 Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Burg­hoff was wal­king on a side­walk along the 1600 block of South Braes­wood when a white van jum­ped the curb and hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thurs­day, poli­ce said. The van then sped away. Burg­hoff died an hour later at Memo­ri­al Her­mann Hospital.

Decem­ber 18, 2003: Robert Ara­no­sia, 61 Exper­ti­se: Oak­land Coun­ty depu­ty medi­cal exami­ner Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was dri­ving south on I‑75 when his pick­up truck went off the free­way near a bridge over the Kaw­kaw­lin River. The vehic­le rol­led over seve­ral times befo­re landing in the medi­an. Ara­no­sia was thrown from the vehic­le and ended up on the should­er of the north­bound lanes.

Janu­ary 6, 2004: Dr Richard Ste­vens, 54 Exper­ti­se: A hae­ma­to­lo­gist. (Hae­ma­to­lo­gists ana­ly­se the cel­lu­lar com­po­si­ti­on of blood and blood pro­du­cing tis­sues eg bone mar­row) Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Dis­ap­peared after arri­ving for work on 21 July, 2003. A doc­tor who­se dis­ap­pearance spark­ed a natio­nal manhunt, kil­led hims­elf becau­se he could not cope with the stress of a secret affair, a coro­ner has ruled.

Janu­ary 23 2004: Dr. Robert E. Shope, 74 Exper­ti­se: One of the worlds top experts on viru­s­es and infec­tious ill­nesses who was the prin­ci­pal aut­hor of a high­ly publi­ci­zed 1992 report by the Natio­nal Aca­de­my of Sci­en­ces war­ning of the pos­si­ble emer­gence of new and unsett­ling infec­tious ill­nesses. He had accu­mu­la­ted his own coll­ec­tion of virus samples gathe­red from all over the world and work­ed on a Defen­se Depart­ment pro­ject to deve­lop anti­do­tes to viral agents that ter­ro­rists might use. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: The cau­se was com­pli­ca­ti­ons of a lung trans­plant he recei­ved in Decem­ber, said his daugh­ter Debo­rah Shope of Gal­ves­ton. Dr. Shope had pul­mo­na­ry fibro­sis, a dise­a­se of unknown ori­gin that scars the lungs.

Janu­ary 24 2004: Dr. Micha­el Patrick Kiley, 62 Exper­ti­se: One of the worlds lea­ding micro­bio­lo­gists and an expert in deve­lo­ping and over­see­ing mul­ti­ple levels of bio­con­tain­ment faci­li­ties. He was at the fore­front in the ear­ly stu­dies of Las­sa fever, the Ebo­la virus and mad cow dise­a­se while at the Cen­ters for Dise­a­se Con­trol in Atlan­ta, Ga. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of mas­si­ve heart attack. Coin­ci­dent­ly, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Gal­vas­ton lab for Home­land Secu­ri­ty. The lab would have to be secu­re to house some of the dead­liest patho­gens of tro­pi­cal and emer­ging infec­tious dise­a­se as well as bio­wea­po­nized ones.

March 13, 2004: Vad­ake Sri­ni­va­san Exper­ti­se: Was one of the most-accom­plished and respec­ted indus­tri­al bio­lo­gists in aca­de­mia, and held two doc­to­ra­te degrees. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He died in a mys­te­rious sin­gle car acci­dent in Baton Rouge, La. Cra­s­hed car into a guard rail and ruled a stroke.

April 12, 2004: Ils­ley Ing­ram, 84 Exper­ti­se: Direc­tor of the Supra­re­gio­nal Hae­mo­phi­lia Refe­rence Cent­re and the Supra­re­gio­nal Cent­re for the Dia­gno­sis of Blee­ding Dis­or­ders at the St. Tho­mas Hos­pi­tal in Lon­don. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: unknown

May 5, 2004: Wil­liam T. McGui­re, 39 Exper­ti­se: NJ Uni­ver­si­ty Pro­fes­sor and Seni­or pro­gramm­er ana­lyst and adjunct pro­fes­sor at the New Jer­sey Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy in Newark. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: His dis­mem­be­red body was found floa­ting in three suit­ca­ses in the Che­s­apea­ke Bay.

May 14, 2004: Dr. Euge­ne F. Mall­ove, 56 Exper­ti­se: Mall­ove was well respec­ted for his know­ledge of cold fusi­on. He had just published an open let­ter out­lining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of new ener­gy rese­arch. Dr. Mall­ove was con­vin­ced it was only a mat­ter of months befo­re the world would actual­ly see a free ener­gy device. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died after being bea­ten to death during an alle­ged robbery.

May 25, 2004: Anto­ni­na Pres­n­ya­ko­va Exper­ti­se: For­mer Soviet bio­lo­gi­cal wea­pons labo­ra­to­ry in Sibe­ria Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died after acci­den­tal­ly sti­cking hers­elf with a need­le laced with Ebola.

June 22, 2004: Tho­mas Gold, 84 Exper­ti­se: He was the foun­der, and for twen­ty years the direc­tor, of the Cor­nell Cen­ter for Radio­phy­sics and Space Rese­arch, whe­re he was a clo­se col­le­ague of Pla­ne­ta­ry Socie­ty co-foun­der Carl Sagan. Gold was famous for his pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, con­tro­ver­si­al, and some­ti­mes outra­ge­ous theo­ries. Golds theo­ry of the deep hot bio­sphe­re holds important rami­fi­ca­ti­ons for the pos­si­bi­li­ty of life on other pla­nets, inclu­ding see­mingly inhos­pi­ta­ble pla­nets within our own solar sys­tem. Gold spark­ed con­tro­ver­sy in 1955 when he sug­gested that the Moons sur­face is cover­ed with a fine rock pow­der. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of heart failure.

June 24, 2004: Dr. Asse­fa Tulu, 45 Exper­ti­se: Dr. Tulu joi­n­ed the health depart­ment in 1997 and ser­ved for five years as the coun­tys lone epi­de­mio­lo­gist. He was char­ged with track­ing the health of the coun­ty, inclu­ding the spread of dise­a­ses, such as syphi­lis, AIDS and meas­les. He also desi­gned a sys­tem for detec­ting a bio­ter­ro­rism attack invol­ving viru­s­es or bac­te­ri­al agents. Tulu often coor­di­na­ted efforts to address major health con­cerns in Dal­las Coun­ty, such as the West Nile virus out­breaks of the past few years, and work­ed with the media to inform the public. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Dal­las Coun­tys chief epi­de­mio­lo­gist, was found at his desk, died of a stroke.

June 27, 2004: Dr Paul Nor­man, Of Salis­bu­ry, Wiltshire, 52 Exper­ti­se: He was the chief sci­en­tist for che­mi­cal and bio­lo­gi­cal defence at the Minis­try of Defen­ces labo­ra­to­ry at Por­ton Down, Wiltshire. He tra­vel­led the world lec­tu­ring on the sub­ject of wea­pons of mass des­truc­tion. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died when the Cess­na 206 cra­s­hed short­ly after taking off from Dun­kes­well Air­field on Sun­day. A father and daugh­ter also died at the sce­ne, and 44-year-old parach­u­te ins­truc­tor and Roy­al Mari­ne Major Mike Wills later died in the hospital.

June 29, 2004: John Mullen, 67 Exper­ti­se: A nuclear rese­arch sci­en­tist with McDon­nell Dou­glas. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died from a huge dose of poi­so­no­us arse­nic. (Note: McDon­nell Dou­glas did not exist in 2004. It mer­ged with Boe­ing in 1997.)

July 1, 2004: Edward Hoff­man, 62 Exper­ti­se: Asi­de from his role as a pro­fes­sor, Hoff­man held lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons within the UCLA medi­cal com­mu­ni­ty. Work­ed to deve­lop the first human PET scan­ner in 1973 at Washing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty in St. Lou­is. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: unknown

July 2, 2004: Lar­ry Bus­tard, 53 Exper­ti­se: A San­dia sci­en­tist who hel­ped deve­lop a foam spray to clean up con­gres­sio­nal buil­dings and media sites during the anthrax sca­re in 2001. Work­ed at San­dia Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ries in Albu­quer­que. His team came up with a new tech­no­lo­gy used against bio­lo­gi­cal and che­mi­cal agents. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: unknown

July 6, 2004: Ste­phen Tabet, 42 Exper­ti­se: An asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor and epi­de­mio­lo­gist at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Washing­ton. A world-renow­ned HIV doc­tor and rese­ar­cher who work­ed with HIV pati­ents in a vac­ci­ne cli­ni­cal tri­al for the HIV Vac­ci­ne Tri­als Net­work. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of an unknown illness

July 21, 2004: Dr Bas­sem al-Muda­res Exper­ti­se: He was a phD che­mist Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: His muti­la­ted body was found in the city of Samar­ra, Iraq and had been tor­tu­red befo­re being killed.

July 21, 2004: Dr. John Badw­ey 54 Exper­ti­se: Sci­en­tist and acci­den­tal poli­ti­ci­an when he oppo­sed dis­po­sal of sewa­ge was­te pro­gram of expo­sing humans to sludge. Bio­che­mist at Har­vard Medi­cal School spe­cia­li­zing in infec­tious dise­a­ses. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Sud­den­ly deve­lo­ped pneu­mo­nia like sym­ptoms then died in two weeks.

August 12, 2004: Pro­fes­sor John Clark Exper­ti­se: Head of the sci­ence lab which crea­ted Dol­ly the sheep. Prof Clark led the Ros­lin Insti­tu­te in Mid­lothi­an, one of the worlds lea­ding ani­mal bio­tech­no­lo­gy rese­arch cen­tres. He play­ed a cru­cial role in crea­ting the trans­ge­nic sheep that ear­ned the insti­tu­te world­wi­de fame. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was found han­ging in his holi­day home.

Sep­tem­ber 5, 2004: Moham­med Toki Hus­sein al-Tala­ka­ni, 40 Exper­ti­se: Iraqi nuclear sci­en­tist. He was a prac­ti­sing nuclear phy­si­cist sin­ce 1984. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was shot dead in Mah­mu­di­ya, south of Baghdad.

Sep­tem­ber 27, 2004: Dr. John E. Mack, 74 Exper­ti­se: Pro­fes­sor John E Mack was an emi­nent Har­vard psych­ia­trist, psy­cho­ana­lyst and Pulit­zer Pri­ze win­ner who tur­ned the aca­de­mic com­mu­ni­ty upsi­de down becau­se he wan­ted to publish his rese­arch in which he said that peo­p­le who clai­med they had been abduc­ted by ali­ens, were not cra­zy at all. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: While tra­ve­ling on foot in North Lon­don from the tube sta­ti­on, he was struck by an alle­ged drunk dri­ver. The Aut­hor of Abduc­tion and Pass­port to the Cos­mos: Human Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Ali­en Encounters

Octo­ber 13, 2004: Matthew Alli­son, 32 Exper­ti­se: (plea­se help pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on thank you MJH) Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Fatal explo­si­on of a car park­ed at an Osceo­la Coun­ty, Fla., Wal-Mart store was no acci­dent, Local 6 News has lear­ned. Found insi­de a bur­ned car. Wit­nesses said the man left the store at about 11 p.m. and ente­red his Ford Tau­rus car when it explo­ded. Inves­ti­ga­tors said they found a Duraf­la­me log and pro­pa­ne canis­ters on the front pas­sen­gers seat.

Novem­ber 2, 2004: John R. La Mon­tagne Exper­ti­se: Head of US Infec­tious Dise­a­ses unit under Tom­mie Thomp­son. Was NIAID Depu­ty Direc­tor. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died while in Mexi­co, no cau­se stated.

Decem­ber 21, 2004: Taleb Ibra­him al-Daher Exper­ti­se: Iraqi nuclear sci­en­tist Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was shot dead north of Bagh­dad by unknown gun­men. He was on his way to work at Diya­la Uni­ver­si­ty when armed men ope­ned fire on his car as it was crossing a bridge in Baqou­ba, 57 km nor­the­ast of Bagh­dad. The vehic­le swer­ved off the bridge and fell into the Khri­san river. Al-Daher, who was a pro­fes­sor at the local uni­ver­si­ty, was remo­ved from the sub­mer­ged car and rus­hed to Baqou­ba hos­pi­tal whe­re he was pro­no­un­ced dead

Decem­ber 29, 2004: Tom Thor­ne and Beth Wil­liams Exper­ti­se: Two wild life sci­en­tists, Hus­band-and-wife wild­life vete­ri­na­ri­ans who were natio­nal­ly pro­mi­nent experts on chro­nic was­ting dise­a­se and brucel­lo­sis Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: They were kil­led in a sno­wy-wea­ther crash on U.S. 287 in nor­t­hern Colorado.

Janu­ary 7, 2005: Jeong H. Im, 72 Exper­ti­se: A reti­red rese­arch assistant pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mis­sou­ri-Colum­bia. Pri­ma­ri­ly a pro­te­in che­mist. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was stab­bed seve­ral times and his body was found in the trunk of his bur­ning white, 1995 Hon­da insi­de the Mary­land Ave­nue par­king garage.

Janu­ary 24, 2005: Roger L. Blair, 54 Exper­ti­se: He work­ed for the Ken­ne­dy Space cen­ter as a micro- bio­lo­gist and most recent­ly for Wuest­hoff Medi­cal Cen­ter as a Medi­cal Labo­ra­to­ry Tech­ni­ci­an. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died sud­den­ly Febru­ary 8, 2005: Gee­tha Anga­ra, 43 Exper­ti­se: She was a seni­or che­mist with a doc­to­ra­te from New York Uni­ver­si­ty. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Divers found her body in a 35-foot-deep water tre­at­ment tank whe­re she was doing water qua­li­ty tests at the Pas­saic Val­ley Water Com­mis­si­on plant in Totowa.

March 11, 2005: Hiram Gray­bill Dani­el Jr., 61 Exper­ti­se: For 36 years, his day job was working as an epi­de­mio­lo­gist for the Geor­gia Depart­ment of Com­mu­ni­ty Health, com­ba­ting sexu­al­ly trans­mit­ted dise­a­ses. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died as a result of inju­ries sus­tained in an auto­mo­bi­le accident

March 29, 2005: Pro­fes­sor Car­los Hor­mae­che, 64 Exper­ti­se: A lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal expert in micro­bio­lo­gy and vac­ci­ne deve­lo­p­ment. From 1994 to 2002, he was pro­fes­sor and head of the micro­bio­lo­gy depart­ment at New­cast­le Uni­ver­si­ty. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died in a micro­light aero­pla­ne acci­dent in Uruguay.

April 5, 2005: Bar­ba­ra Kalow, 45 Exper­ti­se: A FEDERAL govern­ment vete­ri­na­ry sci­en­tist and was a rese­ar­cher befo­re being hired by the feds in 1992 as a meat inspec­tor. She then moved to vete­ri­na­ry bio­lo­gics and was pro­mo­ted to the sci­ence branch to advi­se on ani­mal health issues. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: She died of asphyxia­ti­on after being smo­the­red by a pil­low in her hotel room while on vaca­ti­on in Arizona.

Aril 18, 2005: Dou­glas Pas­s­aro, 43 Exper­ti­se: He was an asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor of epi­de­mio­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chi­ca­go School of Public Health and had been an out­break inves­ti­ga­tor with the Epi­de­mic Intel­li­gence Ser­vice for the Cen­ters for Dise­a­se Con­trol and Pre­ven­ti­on befo­re com­ple­ting an Infec­tious Dise­a­ses Fel­low­ship at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty in 2001. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died sud­den­ly at his Oak Park home.

May 8, 2005: David Banks, 55 Exper­ti­se: He was the prin­ci­pal sci­en­tist with Bio­se­cu­ri­ty Aus­tra­lia and was invol­ved in con­tai­ning pest and dise­a­se thre­ats. His pri­ma­ry mis­si­on was pro­tec­ting live­stock and plants in the coun­try, and kee­ping dise­a­ses from crossing into Aus­tra­lia. He was an expert in the pro­pa­ga­ti­on of dise­a­ses by insect vec­tors, among other things. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He died along with 15 other peo­p­le when the com­muter pla­ne he was tra­ve­ling in went down in Queens­land, Australia.

May 20, 2005: Robert J. Lull, 64 Exper­ti­se: A pro­mi­nent phy­si­ci­an at San Fran­cis­co Gene­ral Hos­pi­tal who once hea­ded the San Fran­cis­co Medi­cal Socie­ty. Lull focu­sed on impro­ve­ments in dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment of thy­ro­id can­cer. Lull was a high­ly rever­ed expert in the field of nuclear medi­ci­ne, a spe­cial­ty that per­forms dia­gno­stic screens such as bone scans for can­cer pati­ents. Last year, Lull lec­tu­red in San Fran­cis­co about the thre­at of nuclear ter­ro­rism. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was found stab­bed to death insi­de the door­way of his Dia­mond Heights home.

June 7, 2005: Leo­nid Strach­un­sky (age unknown) Exper­ti­se: World Health Orga­niza­ti­on expert and direc­tor of the Anti- Micro­be The­ra­py Rese­arch Insti­tu­te who spe­cia­li­zed in crea­ting micro­bes resistant to bio­lo­gi­cal wea­pons, to the hepa­ti­tis out­break. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: He was found dead in his hotel room in Moscow, whe­re he came from Smo­lensk en rou­te to the United Sta­tes. He had been hit on the head with a cham­pa­gne bot­t­le, and some of his pos­ses­si­ons were missing.

July 16 2005: Wil­liam Tay­lor, 62 Exper­ti­se: A for­mer chief sci­en­tist of NASAs Space Sta­ti­on Free­dom who was also pre­si­dent of INSPIRE Inter­ac­ti­ve NAS­ASpace Phy­sics Iono­sphe­re Radio Expe­ri­ments one of the pio­nee­ring suc­ces­ses in NASA Sun-Earth Con­nec­tion Edu­ca­ti­on. Cir­cum­s­tance of Death: Died of a heart attack at his Washing­ton home.

MOSSAD (Isra­els Secret Ser­vice) Liqui­da­tes 310 Iraqi Sci­en­tists Mathaba.net More than 310 Iraqi sci­en­tists are thought to have peri­s­hed at the hands of Israe­li secret agents in Iraq sin­ce fall of Bagh­dad to US tro­ops in April 2003, a semi­nar has found. The Iraqi ambassa­dor in Cai­ro, Ahmad al-Iraqi, accu­sed Isra­el of sen­ding to Iraq imme­dia­te­ly after the US inva­si­on a com­man­do unit char­ged with the kil­ling of Iraqi sci­en­tists. Isra­el has play­ed a pro­mi­nent role in liqui­da­ting Iraqi sci­en­tists. The cam­paign is part of a Zio­nist plan to kill Arab and Mus­lim sci­en­tists working in appli­ed rese­arch which Isra­el sees as threa­tening its inte­rests, al-Iraqi said.

Immer wie­der ster­ben bei gewis­sen Ent­wick­lun­gen plötz­lich Men­schen unter mys­te­riö­sen Umstän­den — oben bei Inter­net­tech­no­lo­gien, dann medi­zi­ni­schen rund ums AIDS The­ma. Vor Coro­na star­ben plötz­lich Mikro­bio­lo­gen, jetzt Grün­der der Kryp­to­sze­ne, oder rus­si­sche Olig­ar­chen. So lenkt man die Welt — was nicht paßt, wird pas­send gemacht!